Brean Down, Brean, Somerset

Brean Down is a landmark on the Somerset Coast that’s owned by the National Trust; at 318 feet high you can imagine the views, stretching far out across the Bristol Channel and in the other direction, over the Somerset Levels. People come here for a stroll, to check out the wildlife, to picnic, and to marvel at the history.

There’s a good walk on Brean Down, a trail you can follow that takes you past the site of a Romano-Celtic temple, a Bronze Age burial mound, and on to what’s left of a fort that was built in the mid 19th century and re-armed at the beginning of WWII. Some parts are very steep and there are lots of steps, but it’s all good for the mind and body, especially with that invigorating sea air thrown into the mix. They have two trampers for hire, and whilst these can’t negotiate the rougher terrain, it means that less able bodied visitors can enjoy the marvellous scenery too. Trampers need to be booked at least 5 days in advance by emailing

Go and have a walk round and then find a table in the little café and enjoy tea and cake; just what you need.

Open: 24 hours, café 7 days a week 9am-5pm (times may very in the winter)
T: 01278 751874 All information correct at the time of writing

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