Burrow Hill Cider Farm, Kingsbury Episcopi, Martock, Somerset

They've been making cider at Burrow Hill Cider Farm for over 200 years and it's where the award winning Somerset Cider Brandy is distilled. The setting is gorgeous; a rambling old farmhouse, rustic barns and 180 acres of cider apple orchards, frothy with blossom in the springtime and heavy with the ripening fruit in late summer. No pesticides are used in the production of Burrow Hill Cider - they even have bee hotels around the orchards and they use sheep to keep the grass down instead of mowers.

Go and visit; sample drinks in the cider house, stroll through the orchard, book a guided tour; climb the hill across the lane, sit on the swing that's hung from the solitary tree and admire views that stretch out over the Levels to Glastonbury. It's a little piece of heaven in the depths of the beautiful Somerset countryside.

Open every day 9-5. Booking essential for guided tours: 01460 240782

All information correct at the time of writing

Properties in Somerset