Devizes, Wiltshire

Devizes somehow feels smaller than it is, like one of those quiet market towns you stumble across quite by accident, you know, stop to answer a call of nature, decide to have a stroll around and next thing you know you’re quite happily settled into a corner of a cosy pub with a bag of shopping beside you. It’s not a big town anyway, but it has over 500 listed buildings which is a huge nod to its historic past, and perhaps partly why Devizes often crops up in the top 10 favourite market towns to visit in the country. The shops are mostly independently run and on Thursdays there’s a big market in the square, which seems to whip up a bit of a buzz; everyone comes out with their baskets and it’s brisk and lively. Give it a whirl, have a wander around, go and make new discoveries in the Wiltshire Museum, take a tour of Wadworth Brewery, amble along the Kennet & Avon canal. Where to eat? Try the Black Swan in the town centre or the Fox & Hounds on the outskirts.

All information correct at the time of writing

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