Hereford Museum and Art Gallery, Hereford, Herefordshire

Hereford Museum and Art Gallery is housed in a striking Victorian Gothic building which has changed little over the years on the outside, while inside has kept pace with modern times. This is where you can find out everything you wanted to know about Herefordshire life – the culture, the landscape, the work and the people who live here. Things to see include a Roman mosaic, an Anglo-Saxon and Viking treasure hoard, a real bee hive, a two metre long fish, a two headed calf and extensive collections of swords and costumes.

There are activities and interactive fun for children, including dressing up.

Open: Tues to Fri  10.00am-4.00pm    Sat 10.00am-12.30pm
T: 01432 260692         All information correct at the time of writing

Properties in Herefordshire