Robin Hood Tour, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Whether Robin Hood really lived in these parts back in the Middle Ages, or whether the tales of his adventure and bravery are merely legend is not known for sure, but it’s nice to believe, so if you’re staying nearby on your large group holidays in Nottinghamshire, book a Robin Hood Town Tour to explore the places associated with the UK’s most famous outlaw and to discover the key sites of interest in the city.

The tour is led by a modern day Robin Hood who tells you his story as you explore the streets; see the historic Lace Market with its beautiful architecture, slip into the caves beneath the busy streets, learn about Nottingham Castle and lots of other surprises tucked away in the city. The Tour covers 1.3 miles and takes about 2.5 hours, finishing at Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem which is said to be England’s oldest surviving inn, built in 1189.

Ideal age is 10+.

T: 07941 210986

All information correct at the time of writing

Large Holiday Houses in Nottinghamshire