The Carew Arms, Crowcombe, Somerset
Right in the middle of the pretty village of Crowcombe on the Quantock Hills, you'll find the Carew Arms, a rambling red sandstone 16th century inn with a big beer garden out the back where you can sit and reflect over a pint of local ale and admire the far reaching country views. It's all very rustic inside and out, which is what a lot of pubs are like around these parts; down to earth and honest with no pretensions, and the food will do you fine if you're about to set off on a walk or have just finished one.
There's plenty of parking at the front of the pub, or round the back in the car park, where you'll often see ponies tethered - it will be Quantock Trekking showing people the hills, making a stop off at the Carew Arms. Opening hours vary, dog friendly.
Open: Every day from 12 noon to late
T: 01984 618631 All information is correct at the time of writing.