In rural Somerset, Cockercombe is one of five luxury holiday lodges that were built with happy group holidays in mind; each one has its own parking, outdoor space and indoor heated pool. The privately owned site is peaceful and the backdrop is the Quantock Hills AONB. With plenty of space, 6 ensuite bedrooms, a games area and children’s play equipment, this is a great choice for family celebrations and holidays spent exploring this beautiful part of the West Country.

If you like walking, you won’t be disappointed; bring your boots and get out into those beautiful hills. Climb to the top of Wills Neck for views that will take your breath away, stroll up through the woods at Holford Combe to come out on the high ridgeway where wild ponies feed and footpaths and trails take you through the bracken. The Quantocks are ripe for exploring on foot or by bike, or even by pootling around the lanes in the car. The good thing is you’re never far from a friendly country inn where you can stop for hearty homemade food; The Rising Sun at West Bagborough is good, or try The Carew Arms at Crowcombe.

Have a day out on the Somerset Coast, getting there by steam train on the West Somerset Railway. Stop at Dunster to wander round the medieval village and visit the castle (NT) on the hill; get off at Watchet to soak up the charm of the harbour and the bunting hung streets, or for a day on the sands, alight at Blue Anchor or Minehead. If you like wild and windswept with dramatic clifftops to walk, you’ll appreciate East Quantoxhead with its wave cut platforms; if fossil hunting is your thing, then head for Kilve.

You won’t have to go far to find attractions to visit; take the little ones to Tropiquaria Wildlife Park or Doniford Farm Park, or head down to Tiverton for a ride along the Grand Western Canal on a horse drawn barge. For glorious gardens go to Hestercombe and take your time to amble around the lakes; see the cascading waterfalls and romantic follies, the temples and the restored water mill. Call into Sheppy’s Cider to see how they make their famous Somerset brew; if it’s springtime the apple orchards will be billowing with blossom, a wonderful sight.

Exmoor National Park isn’t far and makes for a brilliant family day out, exploring the heather clad moors, the lush river valleys and the winding lanes. Soak up the charm of Porlock and the picturesque thatched cottages at Selworthy, climb up through the cliffs to the tiny church of St Bueno at Culbone, cross the ancient clapper bridge at Tarr Steps. You’ll find teashops on your travels, and plenty of places where you can stop and admire the spectacular scenery. Wherever you go, whatever you do, savour every minute; it’s what holidays like this are all about.
